Posts by Rosa Harper-Griffin
Count Me In
It was a Powerful Bible study tonight. “Be Counted,” was the topic taken from Numbers 23:19. I became mesmerized with the Bible study when the teacher began explaining the correlation between the things we are facing today and what the Early Church encountered in the Book of Numbers. The message intended for the Church yesterday,…
“And it came to pass, that He was praying, in a certain place, and when He ceased praying, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord teach us to pray” And He taught them to pray in this manner, “Our Father, Which art in heaven , Hallowed be Your name, They Kingdom come, Thy Will…
It’s All About God’s Timing
I just gotta take this moment to give God the glory for what He is doing in my life right n ow. Two weeks ago, my daughter went with me to minister the Word of God at “Come To, Jesus Ministry,” in Bridgeport Connecticut. This is a new fellowship for both of us, and the…
What Would You Do With Authority?
One of my favorite Sunday School lessons for February of this year was from Matthew 9: 1-8 on, The Authority of Jesus Christ. Multitudes of people followed Jesus all around witnessing Him performing many healings and miracles. Yet, when He told the man lame from paralysis; “Son be of good cheer, thy sins have been…
Please…Don’t Give Up!
The Veil And The Cross
The Veil And The Cross On a hill overlooking the city of Jerusalem… our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was nailed to a Roman Cross in a place called Golgotha; the place of the skull. The Cross, was the Roman’s ancient method punishment and their supreme penalty for criminals. execution. The cross was a capital…
The Seven Last Words
“FATHER I COMMIT MY SPIRIT INTO YOUR HANDS.” The Seventh Word Luke 23:46 Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit Luke 23:44-47 — “And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was…
A Prayer Of Thanksgiving
A Prayer of Thanksgiving This morning was no different than any other morning. As I normally do, Monday to Friday 7AM, I took Brenda her breakfast tray. As usual, she was anxiously waiting for me. Even though we have a fabulous relationship, the anxiety was not totally about me. You see Brenda loves food. When…
Remembering “Sharon”
Remembering “Sharon” Being a Christian is a beautiful thing; I love life as a Born Again Believer. Before I gave my life to Christ I didn’t have anything that really made me smile and joy was just a fantasy. No, the Christian life is not problem free and my life is certainly not a bed…
Why Do We Need To Forgive Each Other?
Why Do We Need To Forgive Each Other? Why Do We Need To Forgive Each Other? We were young when we met, young and full of dreams. I was a year older and very self conscious and introverted. He was full of life and free; maybe too free but I was free spirited too so…