
We all need daily encouragement to feed our souls. In our Devotionals you will find plenty of nourishment to help you through the ups and downs of being a full time, part time or volunteer in the ministry of creative arts.

Are you a lighthouse in times of darkness?

This post in some ways is different from my usual postings. I usually post about worship leading and worship teams, but I had this strongly down in my spirit. I hope it encourages you today during these trying times. When the New Year 2020 came upon us this past January, so many people were hopeful…

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“And it came to pass, that He was praying, in a certain place, and when He ceased praying, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord teach us to pray” And He taught them to pray in this manner, “Our Father, Which art in heaven , Hallowed be Your name, They Kingdom come, Thy Will…

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It’s All About God’s Timing

I just gotta take this moment to give God the glory for what He is doing in my life right n ow. Two weeks ago, my daughter went with me to minister the Word of God at “Come To, Jesus Ministry,” in Bridgeport Connecticut. This is a new fellowship for both of us, and the…

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Please…Don’t Give Up!

Please…Don’t Give Up!

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Worship leaders, worship teams, you have been given a post (position).

Worship leaders, worship teams, you have been given a post (position).

Worship leaders, worship teams, you have been given a post (position). John 4:23 True worshipers shall worship him in spirit and in truth Sometimes in my travels to other churches, whether they are large or small, as a worship leader I tend to watch the worship leader and their team (I know I am not…

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Accepting each other

Accepting Each Other

Accepting Each Other I remember as a youngster, many years ago, when we seemed to accept people more of just how they were instead of how we would like them to be. I personally had friends that were heavier, thinner, taller, different in hair color and styles and kids that were just different. We all…

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The Grace of God

The Grace of God

The Grace of God “The Lord is gracious and full of compassion: slow to anger, and of great mercy. Psalm 145:8 John 8:1-11 The Jewish leaders and Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery and placed her out in front of the staring crowd. “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the…

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings The best thing about a new year for most people is the perceived clean slate. It’s as if the God of all time gives us a do-over January 1st that wasn’t there the day before. Of course, this is not actually true, but sometimes this perceived notion is all we need to…

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The Advent Season Revealed: Week Four LOVE

The Advent Season Revealed: Week Four LOVE The Advent Season Revealed: Week Four LOVE The Advent candle of love is the final one lit before the center candle that is lit on Christmas Eve. This candle reminds us of the gift of love. A gift is something unearned. Love and grace intermingled. We didn’t deserve to have the Son of God…

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The Advent Season Revealed Week Three JOY

The Advent Season Revealed: Week Three JOY This week we light the Advent candle of joy. The Advent Season Revealed Week Three JOY. Joy and happiness are often confused as to mean the same thing. Happiness is something that happens to us while joy is a choice within us. I’m happy when I see my son pick up…

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