Leading Worship

It’s not just getting up and singing a song, it’s about engagement not only with God but with your community of believers. Easier said than done, but in our Leading Worship section you will be able to learn from seasoned ministry veterans on how to make both the vertical and horizontal connections.

Enhancing Worship Service with Dash Cams

Traditional approaches to recording worship services ordinarily utilize huge cameras, meddling arrangements, and devoted videographers. Even though these methods have some advantages, they can also give the event the impression of being fake and distant, which may obscure the true meaning of the event. Imagine a scenario where there was a method for recording a…

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The Necessity of Solitude In Times of Uncertainty

Photo courtesy of Pexels, Liza Summer I must begin with a confession. It has been 5 years and 5 months since my last published post on thisincredible website dedicated to worship. Please forgive me for my prolonged absence. Life tends tothrow a wrench into our routines whenever it deems it necessary to do so. That…

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A Shout of Obedience Brings Down Walls

The book of Joshua chapter 6, it is describing two groups of people, an obedient group and a disobedient group. The Lord Himself came unto Joshua in chapter 5 verses 13-15, the Lord stood over him and he realized that it was the Lord and he begins to bow down and worship the Lord. The…

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Do Angels Sing, or Rejoice in a Loud Voice?

Image by Jo Justino from Pixabay.

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Bring me a minstrel

Let me take you through a short journey about my title, “Bring Me A Minstrel.” Sometimes someone can say a word or a sentence that strikes a chord in side of you, this is one of those times. Let us begin in 2 Kings chapter 3, verse 15; “But now bring me a minstrel; and…

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One Sound One Voice

We live in a time where performance, talent and the highly trained plays louder than the anointing of God. Did you know that just a moment in God’s anointing can destroy any bondage, tightly bound chains, depression, anxiety etc., You can have all of the talent in the world and you can sing and play…

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Photo for the article explaining how to worship God in spirit and truth

To Worship God in Spirit and Truth. The Complete Guide.

Photo by NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash One of the most common and interesting scriptures in the Bible is John 4:23. This verse holds Jesus’ declaration of a new direction worship would take. At first, it sounded as though it was a prophecy, yet again pointing to current and future times. By the end of this…

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Becoming an Effective Worship Leader

The Greatest Secret for Becoming an Effective Worship Leader

Photo by Fabian Centeno on Unsplash There are various online articles with tips on becoming an effective worship leader. I will admit that they provide awesome information. But after studying most of these articles, I have noticed a certain trend. Most of these tips do revolve around a few secrets. I am going to unveil…

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Preparing the atmosphere for an audience of one

Good and gifted singers perform for the audience and this is what they have been naturally trained to do. When they are done performing, the audience usually joins in with clapping and at times a standing ovation happens. People are truly moved by the performance of the gifted, highly talented singers and musicians for it…

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You have been groomed by God

Worship teams, you have been highly trained with such precision in your skill and by His Spirit. We have been in preparation and in training through our practicing over and over and over again. So when it is time to come to worship and worshipping through the battle, our training just begins to kick in.…

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