Leading Worship
It’s not just getting up and singing a song, it’s about engagement not only with God but with your community of believers. Easier said than done, but in our Leading Worship section you will be able to learn from seasoned ministry veterans on how to make both the vertical and horizontal connections.
7 Tips To Prepare For A Successful Worship Service
Worship has been a breath of fresh air to the world of Christianity, as we see people from all walks of life coming together to join hands in praising God. When people come together to sing songs and praise God, we call it a service; when people come together to sit in silence and praise…
Read More ⇨The Simplicity of worship
Simplicity: The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do, it is uncomplicated. I have for the most part of my life grown up around music, whether it was my dad playing country music non stop or country gospel and contemporary worship. For the most part I like all genres of music, well,…
Read More ⇨The Metamorphosis process (Transforming from immaturity into maturity)
The life of a butterfly has a very interesting life, it is called, “The metamorphosis process”. Did you know that butterflies have ears on the bottom end of their wings? These ears are sensors (veins). These veins swell up and they create motion to allow the butterfly to hear sounds and movement. I love the…
Read More ⇨Leading Worship In A Crisis
Leading Worship During a Crisis Weeks ago, COVID-19 swept in like a tsunami disrupting life as we knew it. All around the world, churches sit empty as their leaders quickly learn how to leverage technology to continue connecting to their congregations. Overnight, pastors everywhere became televangelists. Worship leaders and worship teams pivoted, adapting to…
Read More ⇨Who is in the center of your stage?
Who is in the center of your stage? Worship leaders and worship teams, “Who is in the center of your stage”? Have you kept the center stage for our true and only King, Jesus? Or have you made the stage so crowded with performance , superstar mentality and entitlement attitudes that we truly have forgotten…
Read More ⇨Re-Kindle Your Passion
We live in a world that is full of busyness and daily pressures, everyone needing our help, our advise or our input. Whew, some days you just want to crawl up under a rock and never come out. Have you ever felt this way? When you have served on a worship team and it feels…
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