
In our Ministry section you will find articles that will feed your soul. Slow down, take some time for yourself and replenish the well so you can feed those around you.

Scott’s Thoughts: Powerfully Pivotal Position

I want you to be keenly cognizant of how powerfully pivotal you are in your position as worship leader.  A pastor  once equated the worship leader with the rudder of a ship, saying that the worship leader has the ability to ‘turn’ the church.  Turn the church?  From what?  Toward what?  That conversation could be…

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Scott’s Thoughts: Cruise Control

I have an hour commute to and from work each day, five days a week. If that weren’t bad enough, my cruise control has been out of commission for about the past six months. I don’t know about you, but having to keep my foot on the gas pedal and pay attention to the speedometer…

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Isaiah 43:19

Today is one of those days that I just feel full, like God is up to something good…I mean really good! Before the Christmas Holiday, I took some time off to get away, seriously get away. No cell phone, email, work projects, or any of the other things that can fill up a day in…

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Scott’s Thoughts On The Power Of Worship

There’s something powerful about worship.  Something powerful about leading worship, about leading people before the throne of God, about being at the center of it all.  There’s something powerful about unveiling a new worship song that the Holy Spirit has just laid on your heart.  Something powerful about seeing its impact on the hearts of…

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Scott’s Thoughts on Humble Beginnings

I have a friend who is my most outspoken supporter. He carries on, telling people what a gifted worship leader I am. He has my reputation so elevated in people’s minds that I fear my inevitable fall when they experience the real me and realize that I’m just an average singer/guitar player following my call…

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Scott’s Thoughts on Worship Blunders

I remember when I was asked to lead worship for chapel at the local Bible college. It was very early on in my Christian walk and, therefore, my worship leading experience, but I had some friends who were students there and they asked me if I would lead. I was so excited. Back then I…

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Welcome to Scott’s Thoughts

Hello friends, I’m honored and somewhat filled with trepidation as I undertake to write a recurring blog on the topic of worship. I ask myself, “what do you have to offer on such a weighty, ethereal topic?” And I realize that I can only offer what God has shown me… what I have experienced for…

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