Worship Planning
There is a ton of planning that goes into making a Worship Ministry work. In our Worship Planning section will find helpful tips, thoughts and ideas on how to make it all work and keep it working for the long haul.
10 Great Tips For Singers
1. Drink water. Avoid soda, which can coat your throat, which causes you to clear your throat, which can scar your throat…and so on. 2. Stay relaxed. Don’t raise your head when trying to reach higher notes, or lower your head when reaching lower notes. 3. Warm-up your voice in the morning. Even if you’re…
Read More ⇨Growing Your Team-Part 2
Your team is not just a random group of people. Your team has been hand-picked by God. He formed your team. He brought the people…and the talents…together to your church to form a team. He brought you together for such a time as this. And yeah, we all want our team to grown in numbers. …
Read More ⇨At The Foot of The Mountain
Could God use a mountain to change the way you worship? All through the bible mountains are synonymous with the Lord. God told Abraham, in Genesis 22, to take his only son to the land of Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice on one of the mountains. Because of his obedience this act would…
Read More ⇨Building strong relationships within your worship team
How do we build strong relationships within our worship teams? This can sometimes be very easy or just the opposite, very complicated. Everyone will have a different take on this, for every worship team will have different beliefs, skills, backgrounds, styles of worship and different personalities to deal with. Here are a few factors dealing…
Read More ⇨Burn out…How much is too much?
“Sunday comes every six days.” This is a phrase I have told myself and others for over 22 years. The way in which I SAY this phrase has everything to do with whether I’m burned out or ready to go! For some of my friends who do multiple services across the weekend, their worship experiences…
Read More ⇨Growing Your Team Part 1
I have been the sole person on a worship team before. I have been on a team of two people…three…four…and even ten. I have experienced the feeling of a full team, instruments and all…and I have experienced feeling alone on stage and desperately wanting to have more people to help me. As a worship leader,…
Read More ⇨Before You Play: How Do You Build A Worship TEAM?
When asked what to write about, you said: “How to build a relationship with the worship team.”Great topic! A sense of team is invaluable for the worship department. There is a huge difference between merely being in the worship band and belonging to the worship team. For example, as I assist various churches with their worship…
Read More ⇨What Does it Mean to be Primed for Ministry?
The glory of man We live in a culture where wisdom, experience and mentoring have been put on the back burner. These commodities are not as important as they once were. Today’s culture values instant stardom, notoriety and making their positions known. For all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower…
Read More ⇨How do you Balance Family and Ministry?
The question is an old one: “How do we balance family and ministry?” If we asked pastors, worship leaders and other staff members from the past forty to fifty years, what do you think their answers would be? I can guarantee you would end up with all sorts of answers, including some that just don’t fit…
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