Have you prepared your heart for worship


Did you know or ever think that the way you worship God, that it is preparing a path for your future? Did you also know or possibly think that the way you worship during the week when no one is looking and especially in those difficult or challenging times prepares your heart for the way you will worship, sing or play up on that platform? Worship is just not a once or twice a week thing we do, it is a daily experience of gratitude for and with our Lord. Yes, we all love to come together in corporate worship for that is biblical, but it is during those one on one times daily with our Lord that gives us the extra strength to take on that day. The corporate setting is the coming together for strength and for learning more of God and it is also a time of refreshing in Him.

Let me ask you worship leaders, worship teams and band members, How have you been preparing your heart for worship lately? We must make room everyday to seek God and to worship Him, we must get into that secret place to be able to hear the voice of God. David is an example of true worship in the good times and in the not so good times. Even though David got out of the will of God and fell into sin, David still knew how to come to God and cry out and worship Him. God is waiting for us to come to Him and cry out in that secret place where no one is looking, for it truly is that ultimate place of worship and we can come boldly to His throne. There is so much talent in our church settings, but I always wonder if the talent has overtaken the presence? It is a beautiful thing that takes place in that secret place in the Lord, our minds are securely set upon Him, for we have come to be with the Lord and honor Him. There is a preparation that is taking place in that time of worship, for worship is more than a song. In this place in the Lord, He will teach you, show you things to come by His spirit, He may even correct you to help you get back on track. This place of worship is not like any public form of worship, it is a sacred place where God is loving just on you and you on Him. There are different forms of worship to our God for the bible tells us to seek Him first daily. That is when you set a time frame to be with God before you enter out into your day. Your worship just doesn’t stop there, your worship goes throughout your whole day. You worship Him in your car, at your work place, while grocery shopping, at your child’s soccer games. For you are a worshipper at all times just not at a church service. Your mind may be on overload in schedules and events, but if you prioritize your mind with the spirit of God daily, then worship will automatically flow out of you and you will be amazed how it will just bubble up and out!

Let me ask this once again, worship leaders, worship teams and band members, “Have you prepared your heart for worship all week long?” If you have, then you will step up onto that platform each week and your worship will be full of Gods presence so it can help bring change into that atmosphere for God to be able to move and flow in it. We have come to a day where just seeking God every now and then instead of being saturated by God’s presence by spending time in that secret place have become the norm. Worship teams, we have been given a valuable responsibility and trust from God to stand before His people and proclaim the goodness of our Lord. Our world today is so full of distractions and the enemy loves distractions and he loves it because those distractions leave us with no room for seeking our Lord. I believe that when our hearts are truly prepared and we have spent that quality time with the Lord, it will cause the Lord to shine His face upon us and show up in our midsts. Then His peace, His love will surround us ( Numbers 6:24-26 ). How beautiful is that, our Lord shines His face upon us! May we discipline ourselves and choose to seek the Lord first every day and throughout the day giving Him all of our praise and gratitude and then watch and see how the Lord will work through you.

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