Guitar & Bass


Every Worship Leader’s Problem (Umm, we mean opportunity)

Every Worship Leader’s Problem (Umm, we mean opportunity) Being the main person leading worship from the guitar or piano is not a calling that everyone hears from the Lord. However, just about everyone who desires it can develop their skills on guitar to the point of being a part of the band leading worship. One…

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Acoustic Guitar: The Basics

Acoustic Guitar: The Basics

Acoustic Guitar: The Basics What about guitar strings? If you walk into a music store and tell them you need some strings for your acoustic guitar they will point you to a huge wall holding all sorts of different options for strings. Different brands, different weights, different coatings and the list goes on. The same…

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Electric Guitar: Staying Fresh & Challenged

Electric Guitar: Staying Fresh and Challenged

Electric Guitar: Staying Fresh and Challenged Just before last weekend’s morning service at my home church, I had a moment of confusion – I convinced myself I’d left my capo at home. As I was playing electric it wasn’t the biggest problem, but it did mean that I needed to adapt what I was going…

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Church Audio: Finding your guitar solo

Church Audio: Finding Your Guitar Solo

Church Audio: Finding Your Guitar Solo Finding your guitar solo. If anybody has ever had the chance to listen to Lincoln Brewster speak, his story will be familiar. He tells of when he first left the worldly music scene and was starting to play guitar in church, he played very conservatively because he wasn’t sure…

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Acoustic Guitar Tips: Muted Tuning, Broken Strings and Quick Changes

Acoustic Guitar Tips: Muted Tuning, Broken Strings and Quick Changes I can vividly remember the Sunday after church that I asked my wife: “How was worship today?” and she replied, “You have got to STOP TUNING when the pastor is praying!”  I guess I had never realized it before, but as it turns out, people…

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Worship Guitar: A Letter to Me (the guitarist)

Worship Guitar: A Letter to Me (the guitarist) This is the ‘thirty<<mumble something>>-year-old worship leader’ ME talking to the ‘early 20-something worship guitarist’ ME. Here are ten things that I (and some other worship leaders) would like you to know. 1. Yes, that is impressive that you’ve learned Sweet Child ‘O Mine. Please stop, we…

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3 Fun Ways Musicians Can Have a Deeper Worship Experience by Jamie Rohrbaugh on

3 Fun Ways Musicians Can Have a Deeper Worship Experience

Have you ever felt cheated out of your encounter with God because you have to play your instrument during worship? I know I have. When my heart is focused on the Lord, it is so much more fun to raise my hands in worship and forget about both my instrument and the chart in front of me (#SorryNotSorry)! However, even…

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5 Keys to Easy Prophetic Worship by Jamie Rohrbaugh

5 Keys To Easy Prophetic Worship

“I can’t believe how easily I started getting new songs,” our new worship leader said. “When we started to pray and read Scripture, the songs just flowed.” We had just finished our Sunday morning pre-service prayer time. In this meeting (which lasts forty-five minutes), we combine prayer and live music as we intercede for the church service. Though it was Janet’s (not her real name) first…

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Does Heaven move for you?

Does Heaven Move for You?

Have you ever wondered how much influence you would have in the Kingdom if you were suddenly stripped of your guitar, your microphone, or even your right to worship publicly? If you couldn’t perform in public worship, would you still carry any weight in the Kingdom of God? An inspiring story from the life of Rees Howells Rees…

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It's time to take off the musician mask

Are You Ready To Take Off Your Mask?

Have you ever noticed that when people become church musicians, they put on what seems to be our standard-issue, church-musician mask? The church-musician mask makes a church orchestra appear to contain twenty copies of the same person. This masked musician is suave and friendly: he or she has a great sense of humor, usually with a…

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