Leading Worship in Spirit and Truth: “Variety is the spice of… Worship”

Had a wonderful time of worship this morning. There was a sweet spirit of anticipation in the room as worshipers arrived and took their places.
We started things off with “Everlasting God.” I wanted to begin with a song that everyone knew and felt comfortable singing. Next, we sang “Came to my Rescue” (Hillsong, 2005) which we know, but not so well as “Everlasting God.” Bret (on keyboards) transitioned into “Glory Fall” (Crystal Yates, Jennie Lee Riddle 2010). Evan (our drummer) switched his drum patch to brushes. We closed the worship set with “I give You my Heart” (Hillsong 1995), adding the bridge: “And I will live… and I will live for you,” which we have never included before.
Before the sermon, we sang “How great is our God” (Tomlin/Cash/Reeves 2004). Again, I wanted to use a song that everyone knew in order to pull them all together and help enhance the feeling of unity.
To close the service, we rocked “No one like You” (David Crowder Band 2003). We have never done that song before, and I knew it would be a bit of a shock to their system. I pulled Bret off the keyboard and had him crank up his electric guitar. There were definitely some who stood with a little bit of a shocked look on their face as we sang “There has never, ever been anyone like You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You!”
Our bassist Scott is in his sixties; our drummer and keyboardist are seventeen. We have a variety of ages among our worship team. We do a variety of songs. There is a variety of ages and tastes among our church family. We mix it up to keep it fresh and in an attempt to make a connection with everyone.
Today’s children’s message was about how the Body has many different parts and each one is equally important. As you select your songs and your worship team, bear in mind and be respectful of the variety within your congregation. Change things up now and then. Keep it fresh.
Variety is the spice of worship.
Scott Jasmin