The Veil And The Cross

The Veil And The Cross
On a hill overlooking the city of Jerusalem…
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was nailed to a Roman Cross in a place called Golgotha; the place of the skull. The Cross, was the Roman’s ancient method punishment and their supreme penalty for criminals. execution.
The cross was a capital punishment of the Romans, and one of the most painful and disgraceful methods of punishment. The crucifixion process was a long and drawn out horrible form of suffering.
Prior to the being crucified, the subjects were often beaten, tortured and forced to carry their own Cross. Alongside Jesus were two confessed criminals but The Lord was, hanging there guilty of no crime.
Long before the Lord was nailed to a Roman Cross, The Ark of the Covenant of God was housed in the Temple at Jerusalem. The Ark was protected by a 60-foot-long, 30-foot-wide veil which was a barrier that separated The Holy of Holies where the presence of God was. The outside of the Ark was made of Acadia; a durable luxurious wood used to make fine furniture. The inside of the Ark was pure gold The Ark was surrounded by a veil mad e of fine white linen, blue and purple twisted scarlet threads. The veil stood 60 feet long and 30 feet wide Two angels stood on either side of the Ark, over-shadowing it and inside the Ark was The Ten Commandments and The Mercy Seat.
The Ark represented Christ; our Atonement for sin.
In the last hour of His agonist suffering, knowing that He had accomplished His purpose on the Cross, Jesus cried out to The Father with a loud voice, “IT IS FINISHED,” and He gave up the ghost.
At that very moment, the veil that took 300 priests to handle, ripped from top to bottom. The same veil that was as thick as a man’s hand and would have taken an earthquake to disturb was torn in half at the very sound of His voice. This tell us how powerful Our Lord is.
The veil that once separated fallen man and a Holy God was now torn in half and after thousands of years of separation between man and God, the barrier was torn; and all who wanted to be in right relationship with God was given the way was made for Whosoever Will, to freely come into the presence of Almighty God through Jesus death on The Cross.
The Cross is an emblem of suffering and shame Jesus bore for us.
I’ll cherish the Cross because the dearest and best died there to save a lost sinner like me.