Posts by Rainer Bantau
The Necessity of Solitude In Times of Uncertainty
Photo courtesy of Pexels, Liza Summer I must begin with a confession. It has been 5 years and 5 months since my last published post on thisincredible website dedicated to worship. Please forgive me for my prolonged absence. Life tends tothrow a wrench into our routines whenever it deems it necessary to do so. That…
Leading Worship In A Crisis
Leading Worship During a Crisis Weeks ago, COVID-19 swept in like a tsunami disrupting life as we knew it. All around the world, churches sit empty as their leaders quickly learn how to leverage technology to continue connecting to their congregations. Overnight, pastors everywhere became televangelists. Worship leaders and worship teams pivoted, adapting to…
Because He Loves Me
It’s hard to believe that the God who created the Universe pursued me so that He could have a relationship with me. Before my lips formed my first words Jesus sought me and bought me with His precious blood. Before my mind had a thought, God fought for me, rescuing me from my sinfulness…Because He…
The Object Of Our Worship
How well do you really know God? What do you know about the Lord? If you think about it, this is a critical question for those of us charged with leading God’s people in worship, either as worship leaders or worship team members. This includes not just the people on stage, but those behind the…
Praise the Lord, O My Soul!
Praise the Lord, O My Soul! Worship and prayer are connected at the hip. Praise is injected in both. Worship and prayer include a heavy dose of praise. Through our worship of God, we demonstrate and express our love for Him. In our worship of God, we show our reverence and awe of who He…
3 Keys for Persevering Turbulent Waters
3 Keys for Persevering Turbulent Waters Our church is coming out of a turbulent season. Two years ago, the Lord unexpectedly called our longtime Worship Pastor home. Six months later, our Senior Pastor announced that he would be resigning. His last day in the pulpit was Easter 2018. Our church entered a season of transition…
Nurturing A Heart of Gratitude
Search the heart of worship and you will find gratitude near the center. Gratitude shapes the core forming a genuine heart of worship. Washed in God’s grace, I find it hard, if not impossible, to live a life without gratitude. A wretch like me has much to be grateful for. We are not promised tomorrow.…
Becoming A Good Worship Team Member
Becoming A Good Worship Team Member To the outside world, being a worship musician seems like a nice hobby. But being a worship musician is more than just a hobby. Belonging to a worship team, like being part of any team, calls for commitment alongside an acceptable level of ability. You don’t need to be…
Faith, Art, and Worship
Once upon a time, faith, art, and worship seemed as inextricably bound as milk and honey. Even as recently as the 1950s, faith-based movies were the norm, starring the likes of Charles Heston in iconic films like “The Ten Commandments” (1956) and “Ben-Hur (1959). Bach and Beethoven, along with many others, were church musicians at…
Worshiping the One True God with my Everythingness
Everythingness is a word that I first heard my late friend Pastor Mark Jones utter. Everythingness means with my whole being; With all my body, all my mind, and all my soul. Worshiping God with every ounce of strength and ability I have. Fully using my talents to exalt the majesty worthy of His name…